The Healing Light Center Church

Prayer Line
The Healing Light Center Church has a telephone line for prayer requests. You can leave a request at 626.306.2175 (up to 2 minutes) and the Los Angeles Prayer Circle will go into action.


Join Us March 31 at HLCC for this year's Easter Service. Details

Easter Service—FREE Recordings
Wanted to come to the Healing Light Center's Easter Service but didn't make it? MP3 Audio recordings of Rosalyn's Easter services are available for FREE download.
> Download 2022 Easter Service!
> Download Easter Service recordings.


Couldn't be at a Workshop?
Now purchase Rosalyn & Ken's entire workshop on MP3 for only $45 - it's the next best thing to being there in person!

> MP3: Sight & Insight—A View from the Third Eye

> MP3: Ancient Egyptian Healing Techniques

> MP3: Sacred Wisdom from Turtle Island

> MP3: Healthy Boundaries: Using Emotional Energy Wisely

Events & Workshops

July 14-19, 2024 - Pasadena, CA
Join us for the Psychic Summer School intensive.

> More Workshops & Events...

Featured Books & DVDs

> Qi Qong Practices—now available for download!
> Shop all books & DVDs


The Crucible Program

A modern mystery school, the Crucible Program trains medical practitioners along with others from varying professions in the tradition of the healing arts. Classes and workshops are held around the world in a fashion that allows students to train when and where they can.

> Rosalyn speaks with Diane Goldner about her intensives in Hawaii and why it is a great place for healers to study.

Rosalyn Bruyere and Ken WeintrubRosalyn demonstrates a healing technique to a class in Sierra Madre CA.Rosalyn Bruyere and Ken Weintrub lead a class in discussion on energy healing.

"It has taken thousands of years, but within this century both scientists
and spiritual seekers alike have once again begun to view
the laws of nature and the laws of God as reflections of the same truth."
Rosalyn L. Bruyere

Medical Research & Studies

Kennedy Krieger Institute (Baltimore, MD)

  • The Value of Touch Healing for Critically and Chronically Ill Children
  • Training employess in Healing Arts

Children's Memorial Hospital (Chicago, IL)

  • Evaluation of Touch Healing for Relieving Pain and Anxiety During IV Insertion

Program for Holistic & Integrative Medicine, Wake Forest School of Medicine
& the Douglas D Brendle Integrative Medicine Seminars

  • Using Energy Medicine in the Treatment of Pediatric Patients

> Research Projects
> National Presentations